The Centre

The Waterford Women’s Centre (ACCESS 2000 CLG) works with women to enable participation through removing barriers and building confidence. 

Recognising class/gender conditioning and how cultural, political and economic structures impact, the women’s centre aims to provide a space where:

1. Women can challenge barriers 

2. Structures that impact negatively on women can be collectively challenged

By providing a space for women who are normally excluded from many areas, in particular from decision making, the Women’s Centre builds capacity so that voices not usually heard can be.  The Women’s Centre Childcare Service provides care for up to 42 children.   

International Women’s Day celebrating Waterford Women in History at Waterford City Library

Current Work:

  • Outreach and engagement
  • Design and delivery of  Community Education programmes 
  • Facilitate women to access additional relevant information and services
  • Provide on-going needs-based training and support for volunteers and management
  • Maintain and develop a democratic organisational structure with equality at its heart  
  • Engage in policy analysis and highlight issues that impact on women’s lives
  • Provide care for up to 42 children to support women’s participation
  • Facilitate issue-based support groups for women
  • Network with relevant local agencies & support ease of access to relevant services & supports
  • Facilitate local agencies working to address violence against women network and raise awareness 
  • Raise the profile of women in Waterford through the Women’s History Project
  • Network and work collaboratively with the other 16 NCCWN Women’s Projects throughout Ireland
  • Social Enterprise development