Waterford Women’s Centre to celebrate International Women’s Day – Wednesday 8th March

Waterford Women's Centre & Childcare Service
The Waterford Women’s Centre supported by the Waterford Wexford ETB will be starting up a new Study Skills Programme in the Centre this Autumn.
For any woman interested in taking part or finding out more about this opportunity, please ring Kate on the number provided below:
The Waterford Women’s Centre in collaboration with St. Brigid’s Family and Community Centre, supported by the Waterford Wexford ETB will be starting up a new Health and Wellbeing Programme in Portlaw, County Waterford this Autumn.
For any woman interested in taking part or finding out more about this opportunity, please ring Kate on the number provided below:
New Local Training Initiative – Pathways to Employment Programme starting September 2022.
For more information please contact Eleanor at the Waterford Women’s Centre on 051 351918 / 089 4360611 or via email at eleanorwomcent@gmail.com
Please share with the women in your lives that might be interested in a new challenge this Autumn!
Waterford Women’s Centre are taking applications for the Local Training Initiative – Pathways to Employment for September 2022
This General Learning QQI Level 4 programme will give you a good introduction to learning and build practical skills for employment.
Here is what the current participants have to say about the programme:
To find out more, please get in touch with Eleanor on 089 4360611
The National Collective of Community Based Women’s Networks (NCCWN) are recruiting a full-time Coordinator for Waterford Women’s Centre (35 hours per week). The Coordinator will work in partnership with the Board of Waterford Women’s Centre (Access 2000 CLG).
This is an opportunity to lead the team working in this long-established feminist community development project that supports women’s equality.
Employed by the NCCWN Board of Management, the Coordinator is responsible for the day to day running, management and development of Waterford Women’s Centre & Childcare Service, in partnership with the Waterford Women’s Centre (ACCESS 2000 CLG) and will implement the aims, objectives and agreed areas of work outlined in the Strategic Plan in line with NCCWN National Work Plans.
The successful candidate will have:
For further information and application form please contact: NCCWN National Coordinator Miriam Holt:
Email: recruitment@womenscollective.ie Tel. 085 1312983
Applications must be made by application form only and emailed to Miriam Holt
Closing Date for applications 12 noon on Friday 4th February. Shortlisting may apply.
This post is subject to funding (Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth)
NCCWN is an Equal Opportunities Employer